NEW #IDEP COURSE: #Migration Policy, #Free Movement and Regional Integration in Africa

The United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (UN-IDEP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have launched an online course on: "Migration Policy, Free Movement and Regional Integration in Africa" from 14th November 2022.

The course aims to guide middle and senior level policymakers in Regional Economic Communities (RECs); Public Policymakers from National Governments; Stakeholders representing National and Regional Civil Society Organizations on the formulation of national and regional migration policies that will enhance regional integration and actively contribute to the implementation of countries' development strategies and international agreements in the area of migration. It will provide participants with the required knowledge and the appropriate tools to develop coherent migration policies at local, country, regional, cross-regional and continental levels.

For further details, please find attached the announcement, also available on-line here:

The deadline for submission of applications is 12th November 2022. All applications can be submitted directly online, including supporting documents through the electronic application form using the following link:


  1. It's an outstanding opportunity for us in the world of policy, I'm taking advantage, thanks for sharing! EKB!


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