Johannesburg, 19 February 2019 – From 20 to 22 February 2019 a training on the theme of Mainstreaming Disability in Development Policy and Programming will bring together Regional Economic Communities (RECs), African Union Organs, and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Johannesburg, South Africa. The training will be organized as a partnership between the AUC Department of Social Affairs, African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

In January 2013, the Executive Council Decision EX.CL/750 (XX) requested AUC to facilitate the implementation of the Social Policy Framework for Africa (SPF), which focuses also on disability and of which one of the 11 recommended actions is to "ensure effective mainstreaming of disability issues in all sectors and programmes of government and civil society as a means to increase participation, social inclusion and representation of persons with disabilities at all levels of society, including decision making and monitoring processes" .

Therefore, the objective of the training will be to equip policy and decision makers with the skills and knowledge to mainstream disability for inclusive development in their respective organisations.

In addition to the trainees being able to mainstream disability into the policies and programmes of the organs and departments, the other expected outcomes from the training are for trainees to also be able to  i) Have a common understanding of disability as a global development and human rights issue; ii) Apply the provisions of the Continental Plan of Action (CPoA) on the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (2010-2019), UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa and other Human Rights Instruments into national policies and programmes; iii) Monitor implementation of disability mainstreaming and report on the progress of CPoA and other human rights instruments.

For Further Information: -

Mr. Lefhoko Kesamang – Department of Social Affairs | African Union Commission | Email: KesamangL@africa-union.org

Ms. Diana Demba-Mutondo – Communications Officer | African Peer Review Mechanism | Email: diana.demba@aprm-au.org

Facebook: AfricanPeerReviewMechanism Twitter: @APRMorg

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